Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Been some time since my last update and as the blogging thing is so much in air these days, felt like updating mine as well. This would be probably the very first time i'd post in a happy mood. Why am I happy?? I don't know, and honestly am least bothered to find it out. Am happy as long as I am happy. Well that made no sense. Who cares? I tend to speak a little nonsense when I am happy. So here it goes all the nonsense I can think of at the moment....
I’ll start with what I am wondering right now. First of all am really enjoying typing. Ok, that is not what I am wondering right now. What I was wondering was that why is it that all my post were so "her" centric?? There is so much in life more than just that. Not that my feelings have changed in any ways, but something has for sure changed the way I think. I must say, the recent incidents have played a pivotal role. All I know is that I’ll be altogether a different person by the time I am done with my course. And that gives me the answer to my question ( why are my posts so "her" centric)...it’s all because of "her" that I have changed so much...changes, good or bad, well both, but I’ll concentrate more on the good ones...specially becuase ive been really bad with to her with my words...I think she deserves a lot more than my criticism and my poisonous words…not that I regret what all I had posted before, it was what I felt, but she isn’t all that bad…I thank you for all that you’ve done for me girl, all the love and affection, your sacrifices, your caring, just everything…these 10 months compensated for those 5 years of my dull life…I just hope I did something good for you as well…

Incomplete....will complete it someday, but time required me to post this today, had to let you know what i really feel for you...I LOVE YOU...Love may go someday, it will, in fact it will have to...but you will be there, in that special untouchable place in my heart...

Friday, October 16, 2009

List of questions i usually ask myself....not an exhaustive list, but all that i can think of right now....

1. Will i ever be stinking rich??

2. Why have i started getting irritated with my mom and dad so often??

3. Why do i try to keep her happy all the time, when she either doesn't want to be happy with me, or when she would never push herself so much if required??

4. Will i have ever get to camp in Himalayas all by myself??

5. Will i ever get to jump into really deep waters from a high bridge??

6. Will i be all fit and fine, in one piece, till the time i die??

7. How would i get over the death of my parents, if they die before me (which i really wish)??

8. Would i ever find someone who would love me, selflessly, and understand me completely?? (too much to ask i guess)

9. Will i ever fly a plane??

10. Would it ever be possible for me to shop for whatever i like without worrying about my budget??

11. Will i be able to give my parents all that they ever wanted??

12. Will i ever be a real hacker??

13. will i ever learn to play guitar??

14. Will i ever learn to dance??

15. Why do i give some people such high importance??

16. Why is it that i get things, things i always wanted, at a later stage and not when i really wanted them??

17. Why do i always get carried away in love??

18. Why am i always so scared of loosing the people i love??

19. Why do i tolerate things that i don't like, when people don't do the same with me??

20. Why am i so selective in making friends??

21. Will i ever be able to ask a question, fearlessly, and get the answer i want to hear??

22. Would i die happy and satisfied??

Immature ?? (maybe)....but i do think of these things at times, in different moods, while watching and hearing people do some of these things...Can think of more, but dont feel like writing now...I know, and i also say, one cannot get everything in life...I believe in it, but is it really bad to dream and think of all that you'd want??