Friday, October 16, 2009

List of questions i usually ask myself....not an exhaustive list, but all that i can think of right now....

1. Will i ever be stinking rich??

2. Why have i started getting irritated with my mom and dad so often??

3. Why do i try to keep her happy all the time, when she either doesn't want to be happy with me, or when she would never push herself so much if required??

4. Will i have ever get to camp in Himalayas all by myself??

5. Will i ever get to jump into really deep waters from a high bridge??

6. Will i be all fit and fine, in one piece, till the time i die??

7. How would i get over the death of my parents, if they die before me (which i really wish)??

8. Would i ever find someone who would love me, selflessly, and understand me completely?? (too much to ask i guess)

9. Will i ever fly a plane??

10. Would it ever be possible for me to shop for whatever i like without worrying about my budget??

11. Will i be able to give my parents all that they ever wanted??

12. Will i ever be a real hacker??

13. will i ever learn to play guitar??

14. Will i ever learn to dance??

15. Why do i give some people such high importance??

16. Why is it that i get things, things i always wanted, at a later stage and not when i really wanted them??

17. Why do i always get carried away in love??

18. Why am i always so scared of loosing the people i love??

19. Why do i tolerate things that i don't like, when people don't do the same with me??

20. Why am i so selective in making friends??

21. Will i ever be able to ask a question, fearlessly, and get the answer i want to hear??

22. Would i die happy and satisfied??

Immature ?? (maybe)....but i do think of these things at times, in different moods, while watching and hearing people do some of these things...Can think of more, but dont feel like writing now...I know, and i also say, one cannot get everything in life...I believe in it, but is it really bad to dream and think of all that you'd want??

1 comment:

  1. I can help you answer a few, if I may:
    1.Yes, you will be stinking rich. You know why? Because you have the intelligence, the drive and the desire. Just give yourself time.

    2.You should find out the answer to the second question as soon as you can, baby. Because they deserve better!

    3.You try because you love her. And she deserves the benefit of doubt...she'd do the same. Both of you are in difficult times right now, but it'll pass. Be patient.

    4.Yes. There is a beautiful place called LahaulSpiti where you can go camping alone. You must in the month of February. It's a trip that'll be easy on your wallet. Get in touch with me for details.

    5.Yes, you will. Plan it out on your next trip down south.

    6. You'll be fit if you work at it! It's in your hands.

    7.You'll get over it with the love and support from friends and someone special who will be a part of your life by that time.

    8.It's not too much to ask. And the answer is yes you will find someone like that. You have a big heart and its so easy to fall in love with you.

    9.If you move to New Zealand, you might. Not in India.

    10.Of course! This is a temporary phase. It'll pass. Trust me!

    11. Yes. And that time will come sooner than you think.

    12. Zyada ho raha hai! Mereko nai pata! should try and learn right now! You might not get the time later!

    14.YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! You know why? Because you already do know how to dance! Even 2 years old can sway to the music! And that's what dancing is!

    15.Because you're a good, genuine guy!

    16.Because life is trying to send you a message- And that is that you have to be careful what you wish for!

    17.Because you think with your heart.

    18.We all are! That's human nature!

    19.Because you are more mature than they are.

    20.Because you have standards! And that happens to be a good thing!

    21.Haven't yo heard? "Ask and you shall recieve!"

    22.Yes. Because good people are satisfied when they die! It's all in the mind!
